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Auto Theft

Auto Theft allows players the chance to steal cars of various rarity and value.

Stolen cars will have a range of miles and damage. Each car will have different stats that determine Travel Fatigue, Bullet Melt Value, Sell Value, and OC success rate. Special cars may offer an OC multiplier. Stolen cars of any type can be melted for a small cache of bullets. The amount of bullets is determined by the current in-game economy and adjusts automatically.

Auto Theft has a cooldown period of 4 minutes between attempts, and each attempt carries a risk of arrest for 2 minutes.

Auto Theft Types

Steal a Car from a Parking Lot

  • XP: Low
  • Description: Targeting cars in public parking lots offers the lowest risk but also the least experience points (XP).
  • Unlocked at Rank: Street Thug

Steal a Car from a Valet

  • XP: Medium
  • Description: Stealing cars from valet services provides a moderate challenge and grants medium XP.
  • Unlocked at Rank: Thug

Steal a Car from a Private Driveway

  • XP: High
  • Description: Cars parked in private driveways are more difficult to steal but offer higher XP.
  • Unlocked at Rank: Gangster

Steal a Car from a Private Garage

  • XP: Higher
  • Description: Breaking into private garages increases the risk but also provides even higher XP rewards.
  • Unlocked at Rank: Made Man

Steal a Car from a Family's Property

  • XP: Highest
  • Description: The most challenging and risky theft, stealing from a family's property, offers the highest XP.
  • Unlocked at Rank: Underboss

Cooldown and Risk

  • Cooldown Period: After each auto theft attempt, there is a 4-minute cooldown before you can attempt another theft.
  • Risk of Arrest: Each theft attempt carries a risk of arrest for 2 minutes. If caught, you will be unable to perform any actions during this period.

Ranks and Unlocks

Your ability to perform different types of auto theft is unlocked by your rank. Here are the ranks and the corresponding auto theft types you can perform:

  1. Street Thug: Unlocks Steal a Car from a Parking Lot
  2. Thug: Unlocks Steal a Car from a Valet
  3. Gangster: Unlocks Steal a Car from a Private Driveway
  4. Made Man: Unlocks Steal a Car from a Private Garage
  5. Underboss: Unlocks Steal a Car from a Family's Property

Strategy Tips

  • Plan Your Thefts: Choose the theft type that best matches your current rank and desired risk/reward balance.
  • Manage Cooldowns: Time your thefts efficiently to minimize downtime and maximize XP gains.
  • Avoid Arrest: Be mindful of the risk of arrest and plan your activities around potential downtime.


Auto Theft in Rails Network Mobsters offers a dynamic and engaging way to earn XP and improve your skills. By advancing through the ranks and unlocking new theft types, you can maximize your rewards and become a master car thief.