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Organized Crimes

Organized Crime Feature

Get a crew together to pull a heist on that juicy bank vault in Detroit. Nukky said there's gotta be at least a few hundred grand in there!

How it Works

Four players are required to complete an Organized Crime (OC), and you can partake in one every eight hours. If you're in a hurry, you can reset your timer with Gold. Certain items can also reduce your OC timers; check the items list for more information.

Roles and Responsibilities

Each OC requires four different positions to be filled, with each role having unique responsibilities and costs:

  1. Leader: Plans the heist and hires the help.
  2. Getaway Driver: You stole a bunch of cars last week, now it's time to switch out some plates and put them to use! Tune that car up, as the last thing you want is to get caught on your way out!
  3. Weapons Expert: You bring the guns to the party! Choose your loadout carefully, as these banks have a bunch of wise guys who are armed to the teeth!
  4. Vault Cracker: The most crucial player on this team. Choose your tools wisely, as you have very limited time to get in and get out with the bags.

Team Coordination

If you are the leader and have a hard time filling your OC, you can hire NPCs. You have three options for each NPC type:

  • Rookie
  • Made Man
  • Boss

Choose wisely, especially if you need more than one!

Payout and Risks

Organized Crimes give the highest individual payout in terms of cash and rank experience points (XP). Once all four members are ready and online, the leader can commit the bank robbery. If successful, a large cash payout will be given, distributed as arranged by the leader. You can now set the percentage so the four members receive an even split instead of manually inputting the percentage.

However, the OC also has a chance to fail, which can sometimes lead to the members losing some health points.

Finding a Crew

The Classifieds Forum is where leaders create topics looking for a team. Leaders type in the usernames and percentage cut they wish to give each member. Each member, once invited and happy with their cut, will purchase their chosen equipment and confirm they are ready to the leader.


Organized Crimes are the highest paying activities in both cash and XP! Gather your crew, plan meticulously, and don't fail!